Thursday, November 01, 2007


Mama Milton has up a post about National Blog Posting Month.

Try to post every day for a month.

Hmmm. I am not at all convinced I have something to say every day for a month that anyone would want to read.

But I will at least start off the month posting.

After beautiful weather for Hallowe'en fall seems to have blown into town this afternoon. Stu was freezing when I picked him up from school and has cited this as a reason not go to inddor soccer this afternoon.

I was slightly concerned at first and took his temperature (which was fine). I asked a few times if he really didn't want to go (he didn't). I tried to find some deep seated reason for him not wanting to go.

Apparently there is none - he just doesn't feel like it.

And to be honest - neither do I. So I have let the whole issue drop. (I know!! I let an issue drop!! WOW!)

I am wondering if we're hitting the hibernation stage of the fall - where you just don't feel like doing anything. His poor little body is probably thinking "heck, what's this arctic wind? Quick, get me food and a bed quickly!"

My poor son has no clue what winter has in store for him. I on the other hand have vague recollections. And my body is doing the whole "Quick, get me food and a bed!" thing too.

I think a sloth has more energy than I do today.

I've been trying to plan a day trip tomorrow since Stu has a PD day and Julia is off Fridays. I was looking at Kingston and taking the kids to Old Fort Henry, but it is only open at 10 am and 4 pm - we're not going to make it out of here by 7:30 tomorrow morning to arrive for 10 (facing facts) and we will need to be at least partway home by 4. So that's out. And I can't quite see the kids being thrilled with the sweet shops of Kingston all day without some other reward.

Trying to find somewhere else to go - am considering upstate NY, but again - what to do that would be fun for the kids. We're in that time of year when nothing outdoor is open.

Sigh. Marc is on his way home with Subway (agreed upon before I knew soccer was a no go) and a movie. Maybe we'll just stay in. For a few months.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

So funny. It's not all that cold here but I am a big baby, dreading the cold days ahead.

It's time for the long underwear, I suppose.

Traveller said...

Brrr. I think I remember Canadian winters. Cold, eh? Still above 0 here, even at night.

By some coincidence November is also NaNoWriMo - National November Writing Month. Must be something about this month that just wants to make you curl up and write. Good luck!

Traveller said...

Oops, that should be National NOVEL Writing Month. There are a couple women here in Lux that will be attempting to do it. I think last year Wendy Winn, remember her of 352 fame, was one of the attemptees. Don't know who it is this year.