Thursday, November 29, 2007

And things come to mind

I have all kinds of ideas of things to write about today... well kinda.

Like I toyed with the idea of posting my random thoughts throughout the day - like "Gee, if I were a thief I would hit all the cars in the shopping centre parking lot between 2:55 and 3:05 - all the moms leave their purses when they go the 500m to pick up their kids." I wasn't thinking of doing it by the way - but it made me think that I should take my purse with me.

One thing that's been on my mind this month, with all this posting, is that blogging can let you think you're out there making contact. Now, I am not against virtual friends - I love them personally. And I think that sometimes people you don't know can... oh what am I trying to say (BTW - Julia made it her first night in underwear YEEHAW! But she woke up screeching for the toilet at 5:42 this morning and that's more than 12 hours ago and I am tired...)

So there's a tangent. What I was trying to say (I think) is that I have realized that I have been posting all month. It actually came at a pretty good time, I felt like I was not getting anything accomplished. I realize that the only thing this has accomplished is me being able to say I set out to do something and that I finished it - but that means something to me at this stage.

(OH! Would they please STOP with the wedgie ad on YTV?? Have they NOT shown that episode of Jacob two two yet???? Sorry, kids watching tv).

But what I have realized in the last day or so is that I have not emailed people. Or called anyone besides my mum. Even my facebooking has been limited (not a bad thing). It's a bit like I am having a one sided conversation, deciding what I am saying and putting it out there then running away. In other words, my interpersonal skills are going even more down the toilet. I worry that I will become a recluse here in the suburbs, fooling myself that I am expressive and reaching out to people. And when people comment sometimes I feel strange not discussing things further.

Boy, I must be tired. That sounds very - I don't know, like someone in need of therapy. Which apparently I am (in need of therapy) according to a little old biddy in the mall on Sunday. But that's another post. Some day.

So - do I have a point?? Um, I think so. I will try and spend more time in December actually emailing people and talking to them. Maybe even going out.

Oh who am I kidding? I'll have Christmas cookies to eat. Sounds more like a New Year's resolution (have I mentioned that my procrastination skills are phenomenal?)

1 comment:

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

It's all the working out & the holidays are a calling.

Hope you have a relaxing night.