Sunday, November 18, 2007

Breakfast is served

Yesterday Stuart made me my breakfast - bread with peanut butter and honey, his favorite breakfast. We were both in the kitchen but he wanted to make mine. Insisted on it (no, it wasn't what I planned to eat, but I didn't mention that and ate it all up).

He then started talking about how he was going to make breakfast in bed for everyone the next morning. How we were going to have apples and then something sweet. It was much discussed - between S & J.

This morning Julia did her usual heralding of the morning to the entire house (though to her credit, she managed to go to the bathroom first, so we didn't wake up to shrieks of "Me have to go PEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!")

Marc made a valiant effort to get out of bed and take her downstairs so I could sleep a little longer.

Stu came flying through our bedroom door, rubbing sleep from his eyes, "NO!!" he proclaimed, "I'm making breakfast in bed for you!"

And down he went. After asking where the apples were (in the fridge) and confirming his right hand from left (they were in the left crisper).

We heard a few bounces, and he appeared with Marc's apple on a plate. And then on the second trip, Julia's - the smallest apple he could find! The the third trip produced my apple - less bounced.

He perched at the end of our bed and munched on his apple. He announced that the next course was about to be served. The something SWEET as he kept telling us.

Now, we have a rule - no Nutella during the week. My kids live for their weekend Nutella. I figured that it would be Nutella on bread. He even alluded to something chocolate.

He disappeared down the stairs and returned - with a mini pack of M&M's for me and a mini box of Smarties for Julia. Halloween stash. He then proudly presented Marc with a roll of those tiny round candies (what are those called anyways) and he himself had sour gummies.

Several times during our meal he checked in on client satisfaction. We all shared.

I murmured to Marc "I was expecting Nutella."

"Me too" he murmured back.

Stu was so proud of himself - it was so nice to see. Not healthy maybe, but nice to see.

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