Monday, November 05, 2007

toothpicks please

Julia went to bed with a fever at 7 pm last night - with the time change it was hard ot keep her up that long.

Sure enough 3 am came and there was a shout from her room. After a tip to the bathroom and a sippy cup of milk (which she haduncharacteristically refused at bedtime) I thought she was going to settle and go back to sleep. I crawled into her bed to cuddle with her and prepared to drop back off to sleep.

Boy, was I wrong. She was still going strong at 6 this morning when I sent her out of her room in search of her father. I had made the mistake of falling asleep (mistake in her mind) and ater a 15 minute cat nap woke to find her lying on my with her feet in my face.

Stu had gotten up at 5 am and was in with Marc already. I drifted in and out of sleep until about 8 when they left to take Stu to school and then fell properly asleep until 9:30. Thank goodness for a husband who works from home on Mondays.

It made me think back to this time last year when Julia was getting her last teeth. We had these nights quite regularly - sometimes a few times a week. Inevitably when Marc was away, and the night before I had to go to work (I was working Monday/Wednesday/Friday). She would be up from 3-6 am and then pass out for the hour or so it took for me to get up and get ready for work and herd them both out the door late.

I don't know how I did it, though I acknowledge that it probably was one of the things the wore me down to the point where I got so sick.

So - while I am not thrilled with last night's events and hoping that there will be no repeat performances, I am taking advantage of not having to go to work and having a husband who can let me sleep it off a bit.

And hoping for children that sleep.

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