Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Go big or go home

It's not that I didn't know that Hallowe'en is bigger over here. I did, really. I guess I just didn't have a concept of how much bigger.

Last night I realized that I hadn't prepared a veggie platter for Stu's school party today. We've had a lot going on between my reunion and Marc's birthday yesterday, and Stu was up most of the night before (okay maybe most is a bit of an exagearion - but from 2:30 to 5:00 am felt like most) and stayed home yesterday.

Marc said "just don't worry about it"...?????? So just before 9 I was driving like a madwoman cursing myself for promising a veggie platter - why a veggie platter? Why did I offer one of those?? Why not something simple like chips - that at least the kids would be likely to eat?? WHY do I do these things? (answer: teacher asked for a veggie plate, and as a SAHM I felt I needed to meet expectations).

This morning I hit the dollar store between dropping Stu off at school and taking Julia to gymnastics to rustle up a Hallowe'en platter for the veggies poor Marc had to help chop on his birthday and bowl for the dip that I (don't tell) BOUGHT. Marc thought I was going over the top with buying a special bowl for the dip - and couldn't completely understand why I didn't just leave it in the container it came in (I can hear you all gasping - go for it).

I felt vindicated when I saw all the treats in Madame Lynne's class after lunch - perfectly iced cupcakes, smiling pumpkin cookies... you get the picture. And I have to kiss my son - he wasn't interested the fancy cupcakes beause he wasn't sure what "the brown stuff was".

I wasn't so thrilled with the sugar high he bounded out of school on... if he hadn't been dressed like a teenage mutant ninja turtle I would have sworn I was walking with Tigger in a bouncy mood.

Julia's nursery school had asked for dollar store items instead of candy. What they asked for, to quote, was "dollar store items to put in our lootbags for the children". So I bought a little novelty eraser for each kid and figured that they would make appropriate loot bags.

Which they did. ONLY... there were some mothers (several it would appear) who made their OWN loot bags. Little computerzed tags proclaiming "Happy Halloween from Sxxxx!" and "To Julia from Axxxx. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!".

Please don't think I am a scrooge - I am the least scroogiest person I know a lot of the time. But I found loot bags with:

1) two small pots of play-doh, 2 sheets of stickers, 3 foam stickers, and a pencil
2) 1 cat stencil, one notebook, two really funky stickers that I can't describe, one sheet of stickers, one pencil, one eraser and something else I can't remember at the moment

a little over the top - no?

I came home feeling like a serious under achiever in the loot bag category (come one - they said "OUR lootbags" - I just followed instructions).

Then tonight our neighbour came over with goody bags for the kids (we were trick or treating with their daughter). Each one with a spider or snake toy tied to the outside. I thought I felt bad handing their daughter a couple of mini chocolate bars from our huge bowl of candy (see? HUGE bowl. We didn't run out. I am so not a scrooge).

I felt even worse when we opened the bags when we got home. 2 packs of gummi candies, 3 hard candies, 3 small plastic insects, 5 stickers, 4 foam shapes, two small skeletons and some other stuff that is no longer registering (see? If I am overloaded by these things how are my kids feeling?).

Is it just me, or are we just giving kids TOO much these days? WHY do my children need all of these things? And where are we supposed to put all this stuff (yes, I am still feeling the effect of donsizing to a smaller house).

Maybe I am mean spirited, but I don't think my 3 year old daughter needs 6 new pencils just because it's Hallowe'en. And while I am thankful to have such generous neighbours I will be cursing all the plastic insects which will litter my house for weeks to come.

I am fighting the urge to pick up my toys and go home. This is way too much in my humble opinion..


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

It is crazy. It is too much. I don't think you're mean or maybe I am mean too. I don't know.

We have a request for our PTA to fund candy after lunch and recess, if the kids are good. I became a board member to advocate for kids who need a voice, to make a difference, not to raise money to give kids more crap they don't need. (Can you tell how I'm going to vote?) Sure, it's fun to treat kids sometimes, but all those plastic toys just end up in the trash.

Ok, done ranting. Hope today is relaxing with no veggie requests.

lapoflux said...

Candy??? Not what I would expect you to be voting on (remember when we used to be good at recess because it was what we were supposed to do and not to get candy?)
Good luck with the vote - I hope most parents see it the way you do!
(geez - more sugar in their systems? There's a great idea).