Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stop the insanity

I have 12 minutes until I have to hop in the car, go pick up the boy, go pick up the girl, come home, hammer out homework, get food in them (please let me remember to put the shepherd's pie I picked up at Loblaws IN the oven when I come back) and head out to Jacques Cartier Park on the Quebec side to take my children sledding down ice slides from 6-7 pm with Stu's class. Then try to get them to make a few Valentines cards they have been putting off before hearding them to bed.

Welcome to Winterlude people.

We had managed to avoid Winterlude - I know, I need to take a long hard look at my resistance to partake in organized events that I perceive to be mass gatherings where I will inevitably end up either shrieking at one of my children, or more likely, using language (mostly in my head) to curse the thronging idiots who seem to have annoying me as #1 priority on their list of things to get done before they die.

Man. I need to chill out. Oh wait, that's what I've been doing in this -4 billion degree weather (oh, sorry, that's just the windchill).

I am not happy with Mother Nature. I've been going along, shoveling my driveway and not complaining (too much), and chirpily stating to anyone who complains about the never ending falling snow that at least it's not COLD.

And then it got COLD. After it snowed for about 6 days. And then? This morning? It wasn't so COLD. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS SNOWING AGAIN.

I respect a girl's right to change her mind but OI! Enough already.

See? I've digressed.

What I really wanted to complain about was - what was it? OH YES! I don't like unforseen things happening. Like this trip to the park tonight that was sprung on us Monday after school. We had PLANS for this evening. Stu's first Beaver Campfire. He was SO excited - until he heard about ICE SLIDES. There's no talking him out of it, and seeing as his friend from Beaver's mum agreed to go to the ice slides instead... well how am I supposed to say no?

Not that she isn't a little put out too... and then I feel TERRIBLE, because Stu has this wonderful teacher who is willing to organize this. She could care less than nothing and do worse, and here I am being annoyed because now I have to drive downtown, pick up Marc, find this park, park the car and hope Julia doesn't have too much of a fit.

What was I going on about my kids not knowing how to be grateful? Apples and trees anyone?


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Last minute stuff is crummy no matter what. Last minute stuff? In the cold? With kids running about wildly? And when you already had plans?

Gratitdue-Schmatitude. You're right to complain about it!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I'm so sorry.

I think gratitude will come a bit more naturally when spring rolls around...

Take care.