Monday, March 31, 2008

60 minutes

On Saturday at 8 pm we took an hour and turned everything off in the house.

We came late to the idea (I had no idea it was Earth Hour until 5 pm) and we weren't exactly ready for it, so as Marc was out buying season one of the Tudors (yes, the obsession runs deep) the kids and I ran around unplugging things or turning off power bars.

Then we lit some candles - 8 to 9 pm is bedtime in our house. We read bedtime stories by candlelight. Made animal shapes on the walls. And talked about the earth and things we can do to help protect it.

I suggested that we do this more than once a year. Marc thought once a month was good. Stu however decided that it really wasn't - according to him we need to do it once a week.

So, we will be unplugging once a week.

You go my young environmentalist.


katydidnot said...

i'm with you on the one hour a week. it okay if i use my laptop on battery power for that hour?

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Good for you - little bit at a time...

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That's fabulous! Way to go encouraging that in him!