Thursday, May 08, 2008

correct me if I am wrong

I really don't want my blog to be whiny - and that it sometimes is. And I don't want to waste energy on things that aren't worth it. But I don't feel like keeping this one in.

Today I went to pick up Julia's little best friend from nursery school to take her on a field trip to see Jiggajump. I was taking her because her dad has her little brother at home too and he naps in the afternoon.

I go to pick her up. As we are leaving he says "so you should be back by 2:15?" (the show was about a 10 minute drive from their house, and the show was over at 2:00).

My reply was yes, we should be back around then - however, I had to pick Stuart up from school at 3:00 (a 20 minute drive from the event) and if for any reason the show went very late (started late, I don't know, some unforseen reason) I would have to go and get Stuart and then bring her home.

Do you think he said "oh, of course!"??

No, he said, "Oh. Well. We are only going to be here until 3:05, and then we are going to get T at his school and meet up with some friends at Dow's Lake to take some photos. If Maggie can't be there..." raised shoulders and a kind of eeesh noise " weeellllll... and then we won't be back until at least 5 for you to drop her off..."

He actually said all that in French, and it sounded even more pompous (if you can imagine that). I was a little steamed that I was doing him this favour taking her (which I was really happy to do) and here I was being given such strict "guidelines". And what on earth did he think MY 6 year old would be doing after school was over if I couldn't make it on time because I was dropping his daughter off?

I quickly left. In the end there was no problem. Jiggajump rocked. We had a blast. And I got her home by 2:15.

But I turned down his offer to go in for tea. He reiterated it twice, seemed slightly offended. In the end I said that I had an errand I needed to run and I was going to take advantage of doing it with one child instead of two.

The errand? A tall Soy Tazo Chai Tea Latte at Starbucks. It was yummy.

1 comment:

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Let me see: Miserable tea time with Mr. Sour Snob or free time at Starbucks.

You are spot on.
