Wednesday, November 05, 2008

a possible explanation of why I no longer survive adult conversation

On the way home from the Kindergarten Bus this morning.

"knock knock!"

"who's there?"


"banana who?"

"banana house!!!"

"knock knock Mama!"

"who's there?"


"banana who?"

"banana school bus!!!!"

"knock knock!"

"who's there?"


"banana who?"

"banana KIDS!!!!!!!!!!" (apparently this one was particularly funny...?)

"knock knock!"

And so it went all the way home from the bus. There were banana roads, banana rocks, banana leaves, banana cars... and even, as we reached the front door, banana GROWN UPS (cue furious laughter and mother wondering if the joke is on her... since I am now feeling a little bananas myself).

~~~ congrats to all my American friends whose candidate won ~~~

1 comment:

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

The brain slowly melts, doesn't it? I swear I saw some on my q-tip this morning.