Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh the guilt

Marc has been gone for going on 7 nights now. (yes, another Marc-is-away-I-can't-deal-with-the-kids post. I'm tired of them too. Sigh).

We haven't done too badly all in all. Considering that both kids (and me too) were sick when he left and the kids still are. We're working through entry to JK (not going so well? who knows? She sure is acting up) and the return of what I will politely refer to as Homework Hell.

Both kids have been pushing buttons for the last few days. They want their dad, I understand. My painting marathon in the basement with our friend J last week didn't help. I get it. It didn't really help me either, but we now have an area of the basement that is finished and - after a long month without - a television set up.

Stu is vacillating between acting grown up and understanding a few things (his favourite words these days seem to be "I see your point") and outright "let's see how long it takes for her to blow" button pushing. He's fresher than wet paint some days. And as clingy as a toddler.

I am not fond of the parenting I have done tonight - the no nonsense voice, the forced do-over of some homework he really did poorly, the taking away of his books finally when I was putting Julia down and instead of memorizing his "comptine" he was doing some kind of acrobatics that had the light fixtures in the den shaking. I feel like a big meanie, cold and distant, speaking in a monotone and emotionless voice telling him what is and isn't acceptable.

The alternative? Shouting at him, which I am really trying hard not to do. Telling him how sleeping with him and his sister has left me exhausted to the point where I could sit down and cry. As these are not appropriate options I go into Robo-Mom. I hate it.

His room is a disaster. My mother was here last week and cleaned it up for him. Seriously, she did. And it's as bad today. Last week she talked to him about what would happen if he kept it like that. He said Mum would get a garbage bag and toss stuff. But (he whispered confidentially) Mum won't really do that - she just says she will.

I decided that tomorrow was the day, I was going to clean anything on the floor out. I didn't warn him - apparently I am full of empty threats.

So what is he doing now? Without being asked? Cleaning his room. I can't see any progress to be honest, but there's lots of noise. He's asking me to go up and sit with him. I can tell he's overwhelmed (you would be too by the mess) but I don't think I should go up there just now. I am giving him 5 more minutes and it's bedtime.

See - I have to stop doing all this for him. Because he's not learning. And it's not doing either of us any good. I fear I am in the early stages of helicopter parenting.

But the guilt I feel at not helping when he is overwhelmed... the guilt at the thought of him trying to clean up when I am intending to confiscate the toys tomorrow... UGH.

Who knew parenting would be so much fun.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Oh how I hear you.

Greg is traveling oodles and I have my plate full.

I think the roboMom stuff might be ok. I think of it as staying somewhat detached, as to not lose my mind and act like a lunatic.

I am a terrific lunatic. And then my kids don't take me seriously.

So, yesterday, Lexi and her friend walked to the middle school to watch volleyball and when I came to pick her up she gave me the teenage treatment. Rolling eyes at my utter dumbness for showing up RIGHT WHEN SHE SAID TO.

I had to be roboMom for an audience of cool 5th grade girls while I told her she isn't being reasonable.

Like that helped.

Now that I've hijacked your blog, all I wanted to say was: a)I loved the analogy paint/fresh/Stu & b) I pondered a lot about this mothering thing yesterday and decided it is becoming harder, not easier.

I swear I was told otherwise.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Those are such hard times...trying to do what's best for our kids intead of what seems instinctual.

I'd be a helicopter parent if I weren't so dang lazy, I think, but even so I go through the same struggles. It's easier to do it for them than to beg, cajole, and threaten them into doing it themselves.

I really, really am not getting the hang of this parenting thing as quickly as I had hoped. It helps to realize most parents are in the same boat.