Friday, August 15, 2008

Really and truly

My name is Tracy and I am never moving again.



12 times in 23 years and that's that.

Let's hope the neighborhood doesn't go to seed.

Because I'm gonna be the little old lady hobbling up the same front steps FOREVER.

Although if the contractor doesn't stop touching up the #&%^&*&^#($^(*^(#*^$)^)@#^%)^#%)*^ paint and start finishing some other stuff I am going to club him like a seal and then I will have to spend the rest of my days in jail.

I hear you can pack pretty light for lifetime imprisonment.


Nora said...

Hear, hear. Congrats!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I feel your pain.

Just step away from the club...and rest.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. "club him like a seal"... That definitely is NOT Luxembourghish and I'm pretty sure that this particular expression is not used in Europe.....It sounds like you've re-integrated well into Canada (except that I don't know any Canadians who have actually clubbed a seal....)

Enjoy your new home.